Multiple ambitions to improve the quality of patients’ health …
This is how CoRDeS vision can be summarized, a company devoted to Health improvement, whose mission is to share advances in knowledge, education and development of activities of general interest under Health Research comprising the development of innovative medical technologies for the patients’ benefit.
Thus, the company CoRDeS, Conseils Recherches et Développements en Santé (Consulting Research and Development in Health), aims to directly or indirectly, in France and abroad:
- Educational activities and training for expertise in therapeutics, technical skills, and the use of medical or not medical devices;
- The production of scientific works; the conceptualization, development and contribution in patents development and writing, and their exploitation;
- A consulting role in the drafting and publishing experts documents;
- Medical research activities including the conceptualization, structuring protocols, regulatory layout, supervision and contibution in achieving clinical and translational research
- Vigilance actions on the impact of the environment, toxic, pathologies or therapeutic health: expert opinion, analysis, records, monitoring and publications.